Wednesday, July 19, 2006

We mentioned earlier the new (optional) pre-indexing feature of Odin Assemble v3.0 and I wanted to take a second to cover this item in a bit more detail.

While Odin Assemble doesn't use the Smarty templating system I think that the point being made by Cal Henderson (of Flickr fame) in his book "Building Scalable Web Sites" about pre-compiling is an important one.

"Similar to the opcode compilation, repeating the same compilation process multiple time is a waste of server resources." (Chapter 8: Bottlenecks, Pg. 173)

Since OA "compiles" or "builds" each page on the fly it reasons that by "pre-compiling" as many steps as possible will serve to speed up the entire framework. Cal provides a short PHP script for the Smarty system on Pg. 173 of his book. In concept this script is very similar to the new pre-indexing script included in Odin Assemble v3.0.
Are you running a website powered by Odin Assemble? Are you interesting in helping us beta test the new Odin Assemble v3.0 beta. Now featuring "even more features" :).

If you'd like to participate then drop us a line a info (at) odinassemble (dot) com. (If you are a human you should have no problem with that email address, if you're not well die bot die)
Does the "Powered by Odin Assemble" bit not fit into the constraints of your current project? We've been toying with the idea of offering a corporate or business licensing option that would do away with OA branding.

Licensing possibilities could include:
  • Corporate License
    Access to a private support forum and removal of all Odin Assemble branding.

  • Corporate License with Installation
    Installation service for OA on a compatible server of your choice. Access to a private support forum and removal of all Odin Assemble branding.

  • Hosted Corporate License
    Web/Database/Email Hosting at Odin Hosting. Installation service for OA. Access to a private support forum and removal of all Odin Assemble branding.
  • SEO Hosted Corporate License
    Web/Database/Email Hosting at Odin Hosting on a unique IP. Installation service for OA. Access to a private support forum and removal of all Odin Assemble branding.
We are now testing a new version of Odin Assemble, version 3.0 beta. We've added more then a few new features to the framework, highlights include:
  1. A new (optional) pre-indexing system that can dramatically improve the performance of high traffic, element, page or template heavy websites
  2. The introduction of "compiled templates"
  3. An obfuscated instead of compiled PHP core
We are beta testing the 3.0 beta build at Alternate URL Ads. Additional beta test sites will be posted shortly.